
Rejoicing, Patient and Praying

(These posts are not written to make you feel sorry for me, but to share how good God is and the blessings He brings in our hard times. It amazes me over and over how in the dark moments I can feel like I can't possibly take any more, but the next thing I know I am filled with joy again! God's grace doesn't run out!)

Did you know it's possible to miss housework? To crave physical work like washing dishes and vacuuming?! For the last seven weeks I haven't done much physical work, especially when the children haven't been here with us. I have things to fill my time, but I am feeling more than ready to go home and do normal activities again.
The last few days I have been desperately wanting to go home so that is what I've been praying for. A few days ago the heart specialist told us it may not be long if Lydia keeps doing well. But because that is what I am hoping and praying for, I get upset if there is the slightest setback with Lydia. Thismorning I felt like maybe I should stop praying about it and just leave it in God's hands instead of praying hard and getting frustrated. Isn't praying about things supposed to give you peace?  And aren't I supposed to keep praying?
I was feeling rather confused, so I asked God to show me how to pray and think about this situation.
I opened up my little book of encouragement that I have made, and the page I opened to had this verse in big letters
"Rejoicing in hope;
Patient in tribulation;
Continuing instant in prayer;"
There was the answer to my question!

Rejoicing in hope
   There is hope at the moment that we may be able to go home soon. So I should be happy that there is hope.
Patient in tribulation
But I need to be patient until the right time does come and not be frustrated or afraid with the little set backs.
Continuing instant in prayer
I am to keep on praying for Lydia to get better!
Rejoicing, Patient and Praying is what we should be.

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